Tint Regulations

Navigating Window Tint Laws in Yukon and Canada

If you’re someone who loves to customize your car with some extra accessories, then window tinting is a popular choice. However, before you go ahead with this modification, there are certain laws that you should be aware of.

These laws, established by various governing bodies, are in place to ensure that you and other drivers remain safe on the road. In this article, we’ll discuss the window tinting laws in Yukon and Canada, their regulations, variations, and restrictions, as well as the penalties that come with violating these laws.

Yukon Window Tint Laws

Yukon has a set of regulations regarding window tinting. It is essential to know these regulations to avoid being fined by the authorities.

The Yukon motor vehicle act states that all window tinting must allow a minimum of 70% light transmittance through the windshield. This means that a maximum of 30% of the light can be obstructed.

It is crucial to ensure that your windshield meets this requirement. Any other windows’ tint percentage, such as the side and rear windows, will depend on the type of vehicle.

If a vehicle weighs more than 4,536 kg, the tinting must allow a minimum of 24% light transmittance. For smaller vehicles, including sedans, the tinting can be at a maximum of 58% light obstruction.

It is essential to note that these percentages refer to tinting that obscures the window after installation. The manufacturer’s factory-tinted glass is exempted from these regulations.

Relevant Regulations

The Yukon motor vehicle act also bans any obscured windows that hinder the driver’s view. This means that you can never tint those areas that obscure your view.

If you fail to comply with this regulation, you risk getting fined or even getting in an accident. It is essential to ensure that you have clear visibility through all of your windows.

Another regulation is that tinting must not cause any hazardous driving or be too distracting. For example, certain tint jobs might contain text or images that obstruct the driver’s view, which can cause distraction, increasing the risk of accidents.

Therefore, it would be best to avoid such designs or images while tinting.

Yukon RCMP Statement

To avoid getting into any problems with the authorities, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has released a statement regarding window tint laws. They have made it clear that calculating the exact percentage of the amount of light transmitted can be challenging.

They have urged car owners to consult with a professional window tinting service provider to ensure that the tint percentages remain within the regulations. They have also stated that any tint violation can be subject to a fine of up to $250.

Other Yukon Tint Laws

Apart from the window tinting regulations, Yukon has other laws that you should comply with. These laws include not having any cracked or chipped windshield, having a functional horn, and having a license plate that is visible from at least 30 meters away.

Window Tint Laws in Canada

Canada also has a set of rules regarding window tinting. Like with Yukon, different provinces have various laws governing window tinting.

Therefore, if you’re traveling across the country, you must comply with the province’s tinting laws you are in. Some provinces may have more stringent regulations than others.

Variation in Provincial Laws

Provincial laws in Canada can vary from almost complete prohibition of tinting to somewhat relaxed rules. For example, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, require a minimum of 70% light transmittance.

British Columbia is the only province that allows a minimum of 50% light transmission for the front side and 35% for the rear windows. On the other hand, Ontario only allows a maximum of 30% light obstruction on the front side and 20% on the rear.

It is hence crucial to check the specific laws governing your province before parking your car. Failure to comply with these laws can result in a fee of over $250.

Moreover, if the police find it challenging to identify the driver or extract information through the tinted windows, they may have a reason to pull you over, even if the tint percentage is within the requirement.

Window Tinting Restrictions

Window tinting restrictions can depend on the type of vehicle you’re driving or the reason for tinting. For instance, commercial vehicles such as taxis and buses require a lower maximum tint percentage than other cars.

These are to allow passengers and pedestrians to identify these vehicles more easily on the road. It is crucial to note that window tinting is considered an aftermarket modification.

As such, it is essential to ensure that your modified car adheres to Canadian vehicle safety standards. Non-compliance with these standards can result in a fine or have your vehicle impounded.

Penalties for Violating Tint Laws

The penalties for violating the tint laws can vary depending on the gravity of the offense. Minor violations such as an excessive shade of tint and obscured windows can attract fines ranging between $110 to $250.

The fine amount is higher for repeated instances of the same offense. Furthermore, the police have the right to issue you a notice that requires you to have the tint removed within a limited time.

Failure to comply with this notice can result in either a license suspension or impounding your vehicle.


The regulation of tinting laws is essential in promoting a safe driving experience for all motorists. As such, it is crucial to ensure that the window tinting percentage complies with your province’s laws.

Also, if you’re not sure which tint percentage to go for, seek the services of professional window tinting experts to ensure your car remains compliant with the law. Remembering to comply with other regulations, such as avoiding any obscured windows or having a functional horn, can keep your car from getting impounded or fined.

Tint Percentage Allowed on Different Windows

When it comes to window tinting, different windows on your car have varying restrictions on the tint percentage you may use. It is essential to observe these regulations to avoid any legal implications, such as fines and vehicle impoundment.

Below is a breakdown of the tint percentage allowed on different windows in your car.

Tint Percentage on Windshields

Windshields have the most stringent regulation when it comes to tint percentages. The reason for this is that a clear and unobscured view of the road helps to promote safety on the road.

The tint percentage you can use on the windshield can vary across different provinces. For example, Ontario allows a maximum of 30% light obstruction on the front windshield, while British Columbia permits a minimum of 50% visible light transmission.

However, across all provinces, the minimum visible light transmission allowed on a car’s windshield must be 70%. If you’re planning to tint your windshield, it’s important to note that, besides the legal implications, there may be safety implications as well.

Tinting that causes any form of distortion or blurring of the road will make it harder for you to see potential hazards, such as pedestrians, on the road.

Tint Percentage on Front Side Windows

The front side windows, which typically surround the driver and passenger seats, have varying regulations depending on the province. For example, Ontario and Alberta allow up to 70% visible light transmission, while British Columbia permits up to 50% tint.

The maximum tint percentage can vary across different vehicles as well. For instance, commercial vehicles such as cabs and buses typically permit a lower tint percentage than private vehicles.

It is essential to ensure you follow the specific tint percentage allowed in your province, regardless of the vehicle’s type. The main reason for this is that darkening the front side windows can obstruct the driver’s view, which may lead to accidents.

Tint Percentage on Back Side Windows

For backside windows, the regulations around visible light transmission become more lenient. For instance, the maximum allowable tint percentage for backside windows in Ontario is 20%, while it is 35% in British Columbia.

Backside windows refer to the side windows that are behind the driver’s seat. Tinting on backside windows can have practical benefits, such as reducing glare and heat.

However, it would be best to avoid going beyond the limits set by your province to avoid violating the law.

Tint Percentage on Rear Windows

Rear windows refer to the back window of your car situated after the passenger seats. Similar to backside windows, the regulations for tint percentage on rear windows are less stringent.

For instance, the allowable tint percentage for a rear window in Ontario is 20%, while it is 35% in British Columbia. Unlike front side windows, where any obstruction may hinder your view of the road, tinting the rear window has no significant impact on the driver’s visibility.

It is important to note that proper use of rearview mirrors can help negate any obscured visibility that may result from tinting your back window. Sources of

Yukon Window Tint Laws

To create the laws governing window tinting in Yukon, the following documents were used as sources:

Equipment Regulations in Motor Vehicles Act of Yukon Consolidated Acts

The equipment regulations under the Motor Vehicles Act of Yukon Consolidated Acts outline the minimum and maximum tint percentage that should apply to different windows on a car. Section 113 of the Motor Vehicle Act states that all windows on a vehicle, except the windshield, may have a maximum of 58% visible light transmission.

However, the minimum visible light transmission allowed on the windshield should not be more than 70%. It is important to understand these regulations as it ensures your car remains compliant with the law.

Yukon Motor Vehicles Act


Yukon Motor Vehicles Act provides further regulations surrounding window tinting. For instance, section 190 of the act prohibits any driver from having an obscured windshield that hinders the driver’s view or causes any reflection that may interfere with their driving.

Furthermore, section 159 prohibits the use of any film, material, or item that reduces the driver’s visibility behind the wheel. These acts ensure that motorists on the road remain safe while also avoiding any possible legal challenges associated with tinting.


In conclusion, the tint percentage allowed on different windows of your car varies depending on the province you are in. It is essential to keep an eye out for these regulations to avoid any possible legal implications associated with tinting.

Although the visible light percentage allowed on windshields and front side windows is the most strictly regulated, proper tinting can provide several benefits, such as reducing heat and glare. Additionally, it is crucial to comply with all other regulations surrounding your vehicle, such as having functional horns and clear license plates, to avoid any legal challenges that may arise.

In conclusion, understanding and adhering to window tint laws in Yukon and Canada is crucial for a safe and legal driving experience. The regulations regarding tint percentages on windshields, front side windows, back side windows, and rear windows vary across provinces, and it is essential to comply with the specific laws of your province.

While tinting offers benefits such as reducing glare and heat, it should never obstruct the driver’s view or pose a risk to road safety. By following these regulations, we can ensure a safer driving environment for all motorists.

Remember to consult professionals, check local laws, and prioritize visibility when considering window tinting.

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